Terms of Services

Welcome To Mail Out Daily

Before You Join Mail Out Daily If you continue to browse and wish to join this website, you must agree to comply with and be bound by the Terms Of Service (TOS) and Conditions Of Use.
By joining Mail Out Daily and checking the box on the registration page you agree to the Terms & Conditions. You further agree to use Mail Out Daily only for lawful purposes, and in a way that does not infringe the rights of, restrict, or inhibit anyone else's use and enjoyment of Mail Out Daily.

The terms Mail Out Daily, US, WE, and OUR refer to the owner of Mail Out Daily.
The terms I and YOU refer to the member, user, or viewer of Mail Out Daily.
We will not allow the use of our service for the promotion to or from any underage, illegal, immoral, or illicit purpose.
If you do not accept the terms below or feel any of these terms are not to your acceptance then DO NOT JOIN.
By registering for your Mail Out Daily membership, you agree that you have read the terms below, understand them, and agree to be bound by them.
By checking the Agree To Terms and clicking on the "Sign Up" button, you agree to be bound by all the Terms of this Membership Agreement.
To open an account, you must complete the registration process by providing us with current, complete, and accurate information as prompted by the Registration Form.
You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account.
Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any activities that occur under your account.
You agree to notify Mail Out Daily immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security.
We reserve the right to delete your Mail Out Daily account at any time if you break our Terms Of Service
We reserve the right to make any modifications that we deem necessary to these TERMS at any time.
Please continue to check these terms to see what those changes may be!
Your continued use of Mail Out Daily means that you accept and agree to any changes to TERMS OF SERVICE.
As this is a digital Internet Website joining and using this site acts as your written acceptance.
You (member) have thoroughly read and understand all Mail Out Daily terms and conditions.
In joining as a FREE MEMBER or purchasing a Mail Out Daily membership you are automatically agreeing to these stated terms and conditions.
Mail Out Daily provides a digital product and service, as such, there will be NO REFUNDS provided.
Products, services, and benefits of the purchase, including upgraded memberships, are automatically added to Your and Your Referrer's Membership, there are NO REFUNDS. We will not give refunds for any full return or partial product requests.
Mail Out Daily does not guarantee results from using our product's advertising options or site.
Mail Out Daily cannot predict or guarantee any results as this is solely the responsibility of the users and members to use the site by viewing,
surfing and assigning credits and impressions to their posted MEMBER ADVERTISED OFFERS and keeping these offers in rotation to be seen.
If you have any issue with any purchase of Mail Out Daily products or services, please submit us a support ticket and we will try to work with you to come to a satisfactory conclusion.
Initiating a chargeback, refund request, not as described, or item not received dispute without first contacting us using our support desk and giving us 5 days to reply will result in immediate suspension of your account.
Having your account removed for breach of these terms may also result in the loss of your accounts at all sites associated with us as well as selected other sites that we work with to share false dispute information and bad practices.
Mail Out Daily does not have any affiliation to members' advertising offers, as such Mail Out Daily WILL NOT provide any refunds for any purchase you make from offers seen on Mail Out Daily.
It is your responsibility to complete due diligence before purchasing any offer or product.
Mail Out Daily uses third-party payment processors for taking payments and we are not part of the Payment Processors company nor can we accept any loss or damage for their use.
For this reason, we do not store any payment info and all payments are collected via the processor our scripts IPN system alerted you to update your account.
Please check your selected payment processor-specific terms on a time frame and conditions for payment processing. Some may take up to 7 business days to process payments.
Mail Out Daily offers 2 types of membership FREE or UPGRADED
You DO NOT have to purchase any upgrade to use Mail Out Daily services and products
Free Members who are not active or have not logged in:
- for 6 months will be suspended and if the email is bouncing will have accounts terminated.
- for over 1 year will be suspended pending termination.
Upgraded Members who are not active or have not logged in:
- for 6 months will have accounts suspended.
- for 1 year will be reverted to FREE LEVEL.
- for over 1 year and bouncing emails will be deleted.
Any member, Free or Upgraded who has not logged in for 2 years will be terminated
Every Member has the right to terminate their membership at any time, login into your account click on profile, scroll down, and click on Delete my account.
NOTE: This is permanent, you will forfeit any unused advertising, referrals, and rotating advertising.
As well as encrypted data stored off-site will be instantly deleted and cannot be recovered at any time.
Mail Out Daily rewards members who introduce others with advertising as a thank you for promoting us.
These rewards are for your direct referral signups only as we are not a multi-level business.
Mail Out Daily does not pay any cash or financial reward for introducing others as this is considered a PAY TO JOIN offer.
You can terminate your membership at any time Simply go to your Profile and Unsubscribe.
At the bottom of all Admin Emails you can choose to unsubscribe from Mail Out Daily
NOTE: This is permanent, your membership will be deleted. You will forfeit any access, advertising, referrals, commissions, and rights to use Mail Out Daily.
NOTE: All personal information is stored off-site in encrypted format as a Security Measure for our members.
When you delete your membership this file is automatically deleted and cannot be recovered, it is permanent.
The use of (but not limited to) artificially accumulating credits or prizes to their account through programs that require no clicking,
let someone else log into their account to surf, using programs or several windows to surf faster than your timer allows are strictly prohibited,
and any member who is found using such a program will be suspended and possibly terminated.
Cheaters and Cheating Will Not Be Tolerated
We belong to an owner community that actively shares cheaters who are caught on other traffic exchanges.
As a part of this group, we share names, user names, and reasons with proof. Any proven cheaters from other exchanges will be suspended immediately and investigated.
If a suspected cheater has cheated Mail Out Daily they can be terminated.
Cheating will result in your account being suspended or deleted immediately.
Your membership account is only activated once you have verified your email address by clicking a link in an email sent to you as part of the registration process.
By doing so, you are bound to accept emails from Mail Out Daily which will include system messages and marketing information, offers, and Mail Out Daily news.
This is an opt-in service and upgraded members can choose to receive emails or not by editing their profile.
Free members can not opt out of emails but you may cancel your membership.
Any user threatening or reporting Mail Out Daily for sending spam UCE or Unsolicited Commercial Email will have their account terminated.
Furthermore, all legal costs and compensation will be sought through the courts for any loss of time or reputation of Mail Out Daily or its Owners.
You may not promote Mail Out Daily in a way that could be considered spamming. You may only promote your referral URL and/or other promotional material in other traffic exchanges or advertising programs that allow it. Promoting Mail Out Daily in a way that could be considered spamming will result in the removal of your Mail Out Daily account and possible legal action. You MUST NOT AND CAN NOT add a Mail Out Daily email address to any mailing list Doing so will result in your immediate membership termination. Member Advertising: Mail Out Daily will take measures to prevent offensive information and advertising and has the full right to delete any site that is inappropriate or questionable. Members are completely responsible for the content they promote on and using Mail Out Daily. Mail Out Daily can not be held accountable or responsible if a member violates another legal agreement, has copyright infringement, or has any other issues. Members are responsible for ensuring they have the right to promote a URL and any content it contains. URL RULES: Please read very carefully and make sure your URL does not violate any of the below. Violation will result in, your site being deleted along with any credits assigned to them and possible termination of membership.
Members agree not to use Mail Out Daily to promote or advertise any of the following material:
No Immoral, Illicit, or Illegal websites (Ponzi schemes)
No Hate, Racist or any kind of material that will cause offense
No auto-responder email returns to an email received by you
No spam arrest, spam cop, mail blocks, email capture software
No viruses, trojans, spyware, or hidden code inside the site
No sites attempting to initiate non-requested downloads of adware/spyware
No adult content explicit or adult content graphic dating sites
No frame-breaking or redirection sites
No Page not found errors / or incorrect URLs, No HYIPs or "investment auto surfs". These are illegal in most countries
No PTP, PTC, Auto Surf sites
No alerts, confirmations, or prompts to large wins
No Exit surveys, Pop Ups, Pop Unders or Exit Redirects
No Auto Play Audio Or Video - All Must Have On/Off Switch
No, do not submit Google Adsense sites for your benefit
Banners must display correctly and match the URL content, and the URL must meet the above requirements.
Banners must fit the proper display size for that type ie: 468X60, 125X125, Splash 600X300.
Mail Out Daily CREDITS
Mail Out Daily works on a credit base system on the premise of
"You view Other Member's Offers To Gain Credits"
"You Use Those Credits To Promote Your Offers"
A "Mail Out Daily Credit" has no monetary cash value. Credits may be part of a membership package, purchased, earned, or won as prizes or in promos by surfing only.
Upgraded Member Bonus Advertising will be added to the member's account upon monthly login.
If an upgraded member does not login each month, that month's credits will be forfeited.
It is extremely important as an advertiser to keep your sites in rotation and just as important to Mail Out Daily.
The owner of Mail Out Daily may change these terms from time to time, you should check these terms regularly.
Your continued use of our website will be deemed acceptance of the updated or amended terms.
If you do not agree to the changes, you should cease using Mail Out Daily immediately.
If any of these terms are determined to be illegal, invalid, or otherwise unenforceable
they shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive and continue to be binding and enforceable.
Mail Out Daily is allowed to assign, transfer, and subcontract its rights and/or obligations under these Terms without any notification. However,
you are not allowed to assign, transfer, or subcontract any of your rights and/or obligations under these Terms.
Governing Law & Jurisdiction
These Terms will be governed by and interpreted by the laws of Saskatchewan Canada and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal
courts located there for the resolution of any disputes.
No warranties
This Website is provided "as is," with all faults, and Mail Out Daily expresses no representations or warranties, of any kind related to this Website
or the materials contained on this Website. Also, nothing contained on this Website shall be interpreted as advising you.
Limitation of liability
In no event shall Mail Out Daily, nor any of its officers, directors, and employees, shall be held liable for anything arising out of or in any way
connected with your use of this Website whether such liability is under contract. Mail Out Daily, including its officers, directors, and employees
shall not be held liable for any indirect, consequential, or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of this Website.
You hereby indemnify to the fullest extent Mail Out Daily from and against any and/or all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages and
expenses arising in any way related to your breach of any of the provisions of these Terms.
If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid under any applicable law, such provisions shall be deleted without affecting the remaining provisions herein.
Variation of Terms
Mail Out Daily is permitted to revise these Terms at any time as it sees fit, and by using this Website you are expected to review these Terms regularly.
Entire Agreement
These Terms constitute the entire agreement between Mail Out Daily and you concerning your use of this website and supersede all prior agreements and understandings.